Northeast USA

Where to find dates and great local dating ideas for various cities around the North Eastern United States.

How Dating Coaches Recommend You Approach Dating in Portland in 2023

Portland is a magnet for cool, chic, and artsy types, but the challenge is actually meeting new people...

Young professionals dating in Washington DC
A Dating Experts Guide to Dating in Washington DC in 2023

Let’s be blunt: Dating in Washington DC is a challenge these days. And despite the vast choice of...

A couple taking a selfie while dating in Baltimore
The Dating Experts Guide To Successful Dating in Baltimore for 2023

If you’re tired of your results with dating in Baltimore, you’re not alone. It may seem like everyone...

Dating in Philadelphia will help you meet women like her
The Dating Coaches Guide to Dating in Philadelphia in 2023

Whether you've been in Philly for a long time or you're adjusting to the new scenery, dating in...