If you’re an avid fan of shaving your head, you already know the annoyances and expense that come with getting a barber to do it regularly. Why let someone else take control of that smooth look you want when you can learn how to shave your head with a razor in the comfort of your own home as often as you want?
Well, look no further because we’re going to walk you through the process. From getting the right equipment to prep and actually getting to business, we’re going to break down how to shave your head with a razor. Using our methods, you’re going to have the cleanest and smoothest head you’ve ever seen.
It’s important to learn how to shave your head with a razor
You’ve likely already made the decision to shave your head. Whether you’re losing your hair, you like the style or some special lady is digging the clean look, you want to do it right.
It can sound intimidating. You can’t exactly see what you’re doing and you’re likely having some flashbacks to your first time shaving your face as a teen.
Look, it’s not that bad and if you take your time, prepare properly and follow our steps, you’ll be well on your way to that Vin Diesel or Jason Statham look.
Let’s get started with the equipment you’re going to need.
1) Be prepared With The Right Tools
That’s right, you’re not going to be able to shave your head with a kitchen knife. If you want a good shave then you need to be prepared. It’ll take a couple minutes of out of your day, but once you have the tools needed then you’re all set.
The next time you’re at the store, take this checklist with you:
- Razor
- Shaving cream (brush and soap are optional)
- Aftershave or balm
- Warm water
- Face towel
- Regular towel
Now, after seeing this list you may be thinking, “okay, thanks but what razor do I even get?”
We’re steps ahead of you baby! We’ve done the research and found the best head-shaving razors on the market. No matter your budget or preferences, we’ve worked through the myriads of items and pointed you in the right direction.
Using a good razor and blade can make all the difference. That last thing you want is knicks in your dome or scraggly hairs all over the place because your razor sucked. Women aren’t a big fan of either of those issues
If you already have a razor or are building a shopping cart of supplies, you’re going to be eyeing up the millions of shaving creams and soaps on the shelves. Again, we’ve got you covered when you’re not sure what you’re looking at.
Ultimately, you’re going to want to get something that sticks to your head and decreases friction. Many people overlook this step and it’s the quickest way to razor burn, dulling your blade early or just not getting a close shave.
I promise you, what it smells like isn’t a huge deal but no woman, regardless of how good you smell, is going to let that stubbled, bumpy head near them. So if you’re unsure if you have a good one in your medicine cabinet, take a look at our breakdown of the best shaving creams for your head.
Shaving your head doesn’t require you to have tons of tools but the tools that you have do need to work well. If not, you open yourself up to cuts and uneven cuts -- Two things nobody wants to deal with.
2) Scalp Prep Is Most Crucial Step On How To Shave Your Head With A Razor
So, you have all your tools by your bathroom sink and they’re all ready to go. But before you bring that razor even one inch closer to your head, you need to prep your scalp.
You should start by trimming your hair down as close to the skin as possible -- Approximately to ⅛-inch. That way, you’re razor blade has to cut through less hair and it stands a little more rigid.
The idea is to get close down to the scalp when you shave so you have that close, bald look women love. Not doing a little hair prep beforehand will dull your blade faster and give you an uneven cut.
After you’re done with the initial trim, wet your scalp thoroughly with hot water. It shouldn’t scald you but if it’s just warm to the touch, you’re not opening up the pores very well and you’re doing your skin a disservice.
Ideally, the best time to do this is in the shower. If you’re just not feeling the shower, you can use a wet washcloth or towel instead. Place the towel in hot water, rinse it out and then lay the towel over your scalp, specifically on the areas you’re going to be shaving. Keep the towel on your head for at least a couple of minutes, allowing the heat and moisture to do its job.
This will help get the hairs to stand up, reducing the chance of razor bumps and ingrown hairs. The whole idea of learning how to shave your head with a razor properly is to get a clean look women love to touch. Razor burn, ingrown hair and a bunch of cuts isn’t that.
Now that your scalp is prepped, we can move on to the next step.
3) Lubricant is Everything
It’s now time to lube up that head of yours with some shaving cream.
With a clean scalp, shaving cream is very much a lubricant so the razor glides smoothly. Depending on which type you’re using, you’ll have slightly different steps.
For canned shaving cream, shaking vigorously before you dispense is key. For those of you using shaving soap, you’re going to want a nice and thick lather here. A shaving oil or gel won’t foam, but these likely have special instructions you’ll want to follow on the container to ensure a good shave.
Regardless of the type, you’re going to want to apply pretty liberally but in an even layer on your head. Not only is it going to keep the razor going smoothly, it’s a marker of where you’ve already shaved. So not having it clumped up in a few spots will keep you on the right paths to avoid irritation by overshaving.
4) Go Easy When Using the Razor
Using a razor is much different than clippers. That means patience and even pressure is a huge factor here because you don’t have the protection clippers give you.
Going too fast won’t cut very well, forcing you to have to do it multiple times. Going too hard is a good way to take a chunk out of your head or give yourself razor burn. Either of those options is bad, so chill out.
Instead, let the razor do the work for you. A little firm pressure and steady movement are needed. The same you use for your face should be used here too.
5) Direction Matters
Now that you’re ready to put the razor to your head, we’ve got one more important note regarding the direction you shave. This is perhaps the biggest thing most guys don’t even know and the first point in troubleshooting a bad shave.
First off, shaving your head against the grain will provide you with the closest shave. But shaving with the grain will produce the least irritation. So, depending on how sensitive your skin is and the closeness of the shave desired, you’ll need to decide on the direction of the shave yourself.
However, as a first-time shaver, we recommend going with the grain of your hair and seeing your scalp’s reaction.
You can shave over an area more than once, but you need to know that if you do so, you may increase the level of irritation with each shave. So, you just need to be mindful of that when you’re doing your first shave.
6) Start From Front To Back
Alright, it’s actually time to use your razor. This is the point where you’re likely confused. Don’t worry, there’s a technique we’re going to teach you to help you achieve an effortless and smooth shave.
You’ll want to start shaving from the front of your head and the thinner hair, towards the back and the thicker, coarse hair.
Keep your head slightly angled so the skin on the back of your neck is tightened. This will give the razor a tight surface to work with and result in a much closer shave with no missed hairs.
Use the shaving cream as a guide for your razor on what has been shaved and what hasn’t. When shaving, overlap your razor a little on where you’ve already shaved to make sure you catch any straggler hairs from the last pass.
You’re probably going to want to position some mirrors so you can see the back of your head. While you can do it by feel, you’re more likely to miss some spots back there. Just remember, your movement is flipped around when looking in a mirror so be careful if you’re making sight adjustments on the fly.
7) Clean Your Razor Often
This is another crucial step so many guys don’t realize and it’s one of the first troubleshooting points to note on a bad shave.
Absolutely remember to rinse your razor after each stroke to give yourself an even shave on the back of your head. You might even need to rinse your razor in the middle of each stroke, depending on how much hair you left in the prep stage and how great your razor blade is.
A clogged up razor won’t shave well at all, forcing you to go back over an area multiple times. You’ll wind up with razor burn and tufts of hair remaining. It’s not a good look and it can all be avoided by rinsing your razor often enough.
8) Missed a spot?
I know we’ve said you shouldn’t go over a shaved area multiple times. But especially the first few times, you’re almost certainly going to miss a few spots. It’s completely normal until you get the feel of the contours of your head.
But you can’t just leave those spots, meaning you’re going to have to go back over them again. To minimize irritation, you’re going to have to follow these steps completely over again.
From wetting your head, applying the shaving cream to the spots you missed and patiently shaving; you’re going to have to scroll back to the top.
Areas around the ears and sides of your head are easy to miss, so pay close attention there when you think you’re done. It’s not a bad idea to use your hands to completely go over your dry head in both directions when you think you’re done.
9) Treat The Skin
You’ve completed your first head shave. See, it wasn’t that hard, right?
Now that you’re done, you need to treat your skin because it’s in shock. After shaving your head with a razor, you need to immediately rinse your scalp with cold water in order to close the pores. After you do that, pat your head dry - don’t rub it.
Apply an aftershave cream or balm onto your scalp in order to prevent irritation. Do your best Bugs Bunny impression and give your scalp a little massage.
In general, it’s best if you choose an aftershave cream that’s alcohol-free, especially if you have sensitive skin. Of course, we’ve hooked you up with a buying guide on the best stuff to apply to your freshly shaved head. That includes a moisturizer with an SPF in it to protect your scalp from the sun.
This might seem like something you can skip, but if you want the best shave, you’re going to want to do this step. It’ll calm down your scalp and protect it from the elements so you can show off how great a job you just did.
10) Clean and maintain your equipment
After your shave, don’t just leave your razor with dried hair stuck on it. Make sure you take a couple minutes to clean up your equipment. That way, the next time you go to use your razor, it won’t be rusty and dirty.
If you happened to forget to clean your razor and it does have rust on it, you will need to buy a new one. Don’t test out your Tetanus shot by trying to shave with a rusty, dull razor. We’ve taught you better than that.
Learning how to shave your head with a razor isn’t as hard as you thought it was.
Of course, the first time you do it, you’re not going to be perfect. But take a deep breath and be patient. Once you shave your head a couple of times, you’ll learn the shape of your scalp and the best routine for your head.
The minute you master shaving your head, the ladies will come running.