Being overweight or obese affects almost every aspect of your life, from your physical health to your mental well-being. You will inevitably come across situations that make you tired of being fat, and there are many reasons why. Besides being physically and emotionally draining, many societal norms are attached to a leaner and fitter body image, which can drastically lower your feelings of self-worth.
While maintaining a healthy lifestyle and body weight is vital to achieving a healthier physique, your weight should not make you question your self-worth. Never forget that a man's actual value is determined by his actions and the values he upholds, not by his physical appearance alone.
You can always work on your physique and get fitter by following a particular lifestyle. If you’re tired of being fat, here are the changes you must make for noticeable and impactful results.
Overweight vs. Obese
Overweight and obesity are terms used to describe individuals with a body weight exceeding what is considered healthy for their height, gender, and age. While these terms are often used interchangeably, there is a difference between them.
To be overweight, you must have a BMI or body mass index between 25 and 29.9. Meanwhile, to be obese means you have a BMI of 30 or higher. While BMI is not a perfect measure of body fatness and health, it is widely used in clinical settings to assess whether an individual is at a healthy weight or not.
Being overweight and obese often tank a man’s confidence level, but know that even if you’re fat, you can still ask a girl out and get her to say yes. Obesity is not a precursor to you leading an involuntary celibate lifestyle. There are a lot of dating tips out there to help you get on the right track.
Why You’re Tired of Being Fat
Feeling fat is primarily a state of mind that leads to you feeling emotionally fatigued. This state of mind is mainly fueled by physical, emotional, and societal reasons.
Being fat is physically taxing
One of the most significant downsides of being fat is its impact on your physical health. Obesity is classified as a chronic illness and a severe condition. Although being overweight is not as severe as being obese, both risk developing various health problems such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, joint pains, and certain types of cancer.
These health issues can significantly impact your quality of life. Having diabetes and high blood pressure will require you to take medication daily. You will need to exercise and monitor your diet just to keep these conditions under control. Similarly, someone with joint pain may struggle to complete everyday activities such as climbing stairs, walking, or even standing for extended periods.
The constant need to manage these health conditions is exhausting and does significantly reduce your quality of life. You will be less able to keep up with your family and peers, which means missing out on activities that you enjoy.
It takes a toll on your mental health
Research has shown that people who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk of developing mental health issues. Your size probably makes you feel like you are always being judged or stigmatized when you’re out in public, leading to feelings of shame and embarrassment.
Constantly feeling ashamed of your physical appearance and questioning your self-worth can lead to social isolation, which further leads to mental health issues such as depression. These lingering thoughts might also make it difficult for you to sleep at night, causing insomnia. This creates a cycle of low mood, which can be challenging to break.
Being constantly drained of energy
Another reason you may be tired of being fat is its impact on your energy levels. Carrying excess weight can strain the body, so you may feel tired or sluggish even after a good night's sleep. This makes completing everyday tasks like cleaning and cooking difficult.
Your lack of energy can have an impact on your desire to be active, leading to a cycle of inactivity where the less work you do, the more weight you put on, and the less energy you have. This can be particularly frustrating for someone who wants to improve their health but needs an energy boost to make meaningful changes.
Not having enough energy also impacts your dating life in a big way since it will be tougher to get a girl to have sex with you if you are concerned about your obesity affecting your performance.
Tanks your self-confidence
Being overweight or obese can make you feel like you are not attractive to others. These feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem can greatly impact almost every aspect of your life. For example, someone who feels like they are not attractive may avoid dating or social situations that involve meeting new people.
The effect it has on your self-confidence can be particularly challenging, as it also affects your ability to make meaningful changes in your life. If you feel like you are not good enough, you will struggle to find the motivation to exercise or eat healthily.
Furthermore, you may feel all your efforts and your situation is hopeless like you will never be able to achieve your goals. This feeling of hopelessness will make it more difficult for you to overcome the cycle of low self-esteem and inactivity.
Constant stigmatization and pressure to conform to the ideal male body
Overweight or obese men face negative stereotypes every day since society often pressures men to conform to certain norms. Fat men are seen as lazy or lacking self-control. They often face mistreatment in various social gatherings, where they can be compared to other men who are in better shape. They can even experience workplace bullying.
This pressure to have the perfect body and weight is particularly challenging for men who are obese, and who feel like they are not meeting societal expectations. Even if you have the desire to work out and lose weight, you might be afraid of getting taunted at the gym. And even if no one makes fun of you there, seeing other men with well-built physiques could just as easily demotivate you.
However, don’t be discouraged if you do not see results immediately. Losing weight in a healthy manner takes time and patience. Never be afraid to ask for help from a trainer as they will be more than happy to help you.
How to Stop Being Fat: Practical Tips
Now, the question is, how to not be fat? There are tons of information on the internet explaining the perfect workout regimens, gym music playlists, the perfect diet plan, and all the motivational quotes. But these are just gimmicky tips that most men fail to complete, not because they lack dedication, but because these plans are often too advanced, to begin with.
So, to answer your question on how to not feel fat and make a noticeable change, here is a list of tips you can implement.
Set realistic and attainable regular goals
The first step in any weight loss journey is to set realistic and attainable goals. This will help you stay motivated and on track. Start by setting a small, achievable goal, such as losing one to two pounds weekly. This may not sound like a lot, but it can add up over time and lead to significant weight loss.
You can do this in the gym as well. Go to the gym as often as you are able on a regular basis. Meaning, if you think you can regularly do only three days a week, then stick to that schedule. The key is to start small and be consistent. Try to slowly increase your reps every week. If you’re starting with three sets of squats with ten reps each, by next week, make it 11 reps per set.
You should also focus on increasing your weights from time to time. Again, do it little by little so as not to burn you out. If you’re doing five pounds this week, go for six pounds next week. This is known as progressive overload and can make your workout even more engaging.
Eat a balanced diet
Talk to a nutritionist or dietician for tips on how to eat a balanced diet. Generally, you want to make small, healthy changes to your diet and then gradually lean towards a healthier meal plan. If you’re used to eating three sausages every morning with pancakes, eggs, and syrup, try to forego the syrup and replace a sausage or two with some fruits or nuts.
A balanced diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks, as these can be high in calories and low in nutrients. Attention to portion sizes is also important, as overeating will lead to weight gain.
Always stay hydrated
Drinking plenty of water is essential for overall health and can help you lose weight. Drinking water can help you feel full, reducing your appetite and preventing overeating. Aim to drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water daily, and consider replacing sugary drinks with water or other low-calorie beverages.
Another benefit of staying hydrated is that it keeps your joints lubricated, and your organs functioning properly, also improves sleep quality and cognitive ability and helps you maintain a good mood. When your body's internal biological system performs well, you will feel better by default.
Become more physically active
Getting started on working out takes a lot of work. It's tough to get out of your comfort zone. But give yourself time to slowly get used to the idea and the routine. Just the act of getting out of bed or off the couch as soon as it's time to work out will help you. Suddenly moving your body will get you out of the stagnant state and prepare you mentally for the workout session.
If the gym is not an option for you, you can start by doing home workouts. This could include spot runs, pushups, squats, and crunches in your room. You can also exercise outdoors by running a lap or two around your garden, or playing enjoyable sports like football or basketball as you progress.
Focus on recovery
Oftentimes, when working out, men tend to push themselves to the limit. They overdo it so much that they eventually end up overtraining. This is extremely bad for the body since it does not give the muscle tissues the chance to heal before they're bombarded by the next workout. So don't overdo it and make sure you are getting sufficient rest.
Getting enough sleep is important for overall health and can impact your weight loss efforts. Lack of sleep can disrupt your metabolism and increase your appetite, leading to overeating and weight gain. Establish a regular sleep schedule where you can get at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night.
Implement a reward mechanism
Humans are all dopamine junkies. Our brains are hardwired to do rewarding tasks because these give our brains a dopamine hit. However, losing weight is a complicated process, and if you're wondering how to not feel fat, a quick tip is to trick your brain’s dopamine circuitry. You can do this by celebrating every progress.
Something as simple as attaching a reward every time you go to the gym will help. Tell yourself you can only play your favorite video game if you go to the gym, and be disciplined enough to follow through. If you finish your workout, reward yourself by having a little dessert. If you don't finish your workout, save that dessert for next time.
Another way to implement this reward mechanism is by preparing a to-do list. You basically tick off a box on the to-do list whenever you eat healthily or work out. This will reinforce your brain’s dopamine mechanism, eventually making it easier to build good and break bad habits.
Have patience
Losing weight is a journey, and being patient and kind to yourself throughout the process is important. Remember that there will be ups and downs and that setbacks are a normal part of the process. Focus on making small, sustainable changes, and give yourself a pat on the back whenever you do it consistently.
Don't just punish your failures. Reward your wins as well!
Losing weight can be challenging, but it is worth the effort if you are tired of being fat. By focusing on nutrition, getting active, staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, and setting realistic goals, you can achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall health and well-being. Remember to be patient and kind to yourself throughout the process, and celebrate your successes along the way.
We hope this guide on how to stop being fat motivated you to take charge of your life.